
Variants of construction

An installation that collects and stores energy for use at a later time must be constructed properly. The main reason is that a lot of electricity (Amperes and Kilowatts) is transported. Cables must have the correct thickness and switches and fuses ensure safety in the event of adjustments or malfunctions.


You can choose to build your installation yourself. We will then provide you with a design drawing and the correct cables. However, it often happens that we are asked to help because the lack of the right tools makes the installation unnecessarily time-consuming and potentially dangerous.

A pair of red ratchet wrenches are sitting on a black surface.

Modular and mobile construction

When the installation is ready it will be put into operation. This is a careful process in which the configuration of your computer and the reliability of the connection are checked. We always recommend that you have us carry out this last step given the risks that can arise when working with large current capacities.


You can mount your installation in your garage, house, shed or factory. However, there is a chance that you will be moving. Is it easy to disconnect your installation and take it with you? Often not! We have a solution that allows you to easily move the installation. This also creates the option to resell an installation.


Preparations for a mobile installation take place in our workshop. The installation can also be tested here. Your task then only consists of installing an incoming and outgoing electrical main line. A mobile installation is always built according to your wishes.

A server room with a lot of servers in it
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